Content Moderation and Editorial Process has a content moderation and editorial process for all content and we’re committed to creating helpful and informative content that not only represents and serves our diverse online community here but also anyone who visits our website. We’re constantly working towards accuracy, integrity, and broad-mindedness through our current policies, content generation and future goals. Simultaneously we’re working away from information bias that taints beneficial informative content, whenever and wherever possible.

Website Content Moderation

All content at is subject to review by a human moderator and/or spam review service.  This includes all comments, reviews and images associated with a recipe, article, or message board posting, that our community members can create and edit.

When leaving these comments, creating articles, building recipes, or generating any new content through our website, please be respectful to other community members. If you’re leaving a comment on a recipe or a post… remember it’s someone who has taken the time to contribute to our community. While constructive comments and feedback on ALL content is welcome… disrespectful, discourteous, rude or abusive behavior is not acceptable no matter what the cause and will be removed for further review.

To be clear, we’re not asking for an environment where there’s all good reviews and fawning comments on recipes and posts. We’re saying a review can be constructively critical without being rude. We’re saying a comment can be blunt (if need be) without being insulting. As a community member here who contributes content, you’re expected to adhere to reasonable guidelines of respect for another community member’s content. Members who continually disregard these guidelines while adding comments, reviews, and content at our website will find their ability to add any content at restricted.

Editorial Process

Our editorial processes involve a team of experienced editors who enjoy both food and community while maintaining common practice guidelines for all content (comments, reviews, posts, etc) that may be contributed to

Recipe Testing and Approval

There are actually two different processes for our community regarding the editorial process of posted recipes, articles, and for all the content posted here at really. They’re broken down here:

Community Members

If you are a member of our community and you are sharing a recipe or creating a post through your LuvMyRecipe Profile Account, there really is no recipe testing and approval process for you. Members can post their recipes and posts as part of their membership here at LuvMyRecipe.

    • There is an editorial process to moderate all content after it’s been posted to make sure the content adheres to community guidelines, but generally members can create what recipes and posts they’re own interest or cuisine dictates without any coordination or direction from our website.
    • Community member content may or may not be exclusive to, All members are given the option of putting a Canonical URL with their article or post if it replicates content they have at their own website. This feature of our website allows our community members to get that valuable SEO juice for their own content.
    • In contrast to that, our community members who mark their content as exclusive to are eligible for more website listings and generally more exposure publicly here at the website for their content.

Our LuvMyRecipe Contributors are dedicated members of our community who have made a commitment to contribute regularly to our website. The editorial process is different because there’s a certain amount of coordination between the contributor and our website content editors.

Contributor’s articles and recipes get listed at as featured content through promotion, marketing, and pillar content listings governed by our SEO policy, guidelines, and utilization.

LuvMyRecipe Contributor content is EXCLUSIVE to so our editors need to be coordinating, maybe testing, and of course providing any support or help if needed.  Our Contributor recipes are tested and reviewed by our editors (and staff) for:

    • Readability of the article or recipe
    • Consistency to the article’s purview and direction
    • Repeatability of the resulting dish (if any)
    • Accuracy of the ingredients, servings, and instructions
    • Health claims (if any) along with any Nutritional Values (if included)
    • Completeness and reliability of the entire submitted content
    • Grammar, Format, and Quality Images

A LuvMyRecipe Contributor’s writing style is there own, and their knowledge of the subject matter as well as their integrity and credibility of the topic should come through in their writing style and prose.

Diversity in Mind is proud to be working with a diverse group of creators, writers, editors, cooks, chefs, (everyone in our community really), who represent a broad range of people who differ in ethnicity, race, gender identities, sexual orientation, ability, and capabilities. Our website content should be a reflection of the diversity in our online community. We strive to improve regularly within this environment and we’re committed to doing so.

If you’d like to write for on a regular basis through featured content at our website, your application submittal and interest is welcome.